Do You Know Who This Is?
Well if you do not let me tell you. It is flat Stanley. He is a character in a book where he gets squished flat and he is then mailed around the world to all sorts of fun places. Our friend's daughter in Texas is doing a Flat Stanley Project and we have had Flat Stanley for a while. The idea is to take Flat Stanley places and take his picture. He went to Bali with us and some other places, but on Saturday Afternoon in the course of about 3 and a half hours we drove all over Kuala Lumpur taking pictures of Flat Stanley with famous sights here. We learned several new facts and found out that our city has some great sights that we have not even ventured out to see. Here are a few of the high lights.
Carley did a great job of holding Flat Stanley and James got into the act to.
There is lots to see here and Brain and I decided that we need to get out and see a little more of our city. We hope you had a great weekend too.
The Flat Stanley story brought back memories of when you sent him to visit us and see the sights of the DC/MD/VA area. It sounds like your family had a great time helping out as well as seeing the sights. Loved the piture of Carley holding Flat Stanley. I'm sure James must have had some interesting converstations with Flat Stanley given how much he loves to "talk." Thanks for sharing.
Malaysia looks beautiful----I'd like to come see it sometime. :)
We are living a life worthy of TV you know----our children are blessed to experience and see what so many can only glean from books.
We just took Flat Stanley to Odaiba a couple of months ago! Man he gets some traveling in, doesn't he? (ha.ha.)
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